I don't know if I'd say "preferred", exactly (since David simply enjoys any and all forms of his craft). His formative experiences in acting were all on the stage, and when he attended the RSAMD's Junior School and then enrolled in the RSAMD proper to train in drama, the curriculum for both was primarily theatre-based. Most of his professional work in his early years was also on the stage, and he's often said the theatre is his "default state of being." He's also said in interviews that for him, while theatre is a terrifying experience before he gets on stage, there's nothing else quite like it when he's doing it. So if I had to settle on what I think he thinks of it, I'd probably say theatre is the area he's most familiar and comfortable in.
Just to tag on a side story. I remember watching a radio show once (he was wearing an excellent sweater in it and looking particularly cute). It was early days, but he was asked somewhat this question. His answer at that interview was (paraphrased and from my memory so feel free to correct me),"The theater is my day job. TV and movies are how I buy Christmas gifts." Again, early days, still single, and he could have just been being cheeky. If I ever find it on YouTube again, I'll post it here just for kicks, but why do I think you'll have it before me. :-)
I'm always thinking in the different trips that David did between Glasgow and Edimburgh or Dundee.
He sure did a lot of them!
So love this. Even though I heard of the other plays. I had not heard of The Square before. Thank you.
I read somewhere that the theatre has been David’s preferred of the performance arts. In your research would you agree with this statement?
I don't know if I'd say "preferred", exactly (since David simply enjoys any and all forms of his craft). His formative experiences in acting were all on the stage, and when he attended the RSAMD's Junior School and then enrolled in the RSAMD proper to train in drama, the curriculum for both was primarily theatre-based. Most of his professional work in his early years was also on the stage, and he's often said the theatre is his "default state of being." He's also said in interviews that for him, while theatre is a terrifying experience before he gets on stage, there's nothing else quite like it when he's doing it. So if I had to settle on what I think he thinks of it, I'd probably say theatre is the area he's most familiar and comfortable in.
Just to tag on a side story. I remember watching a radio show once (he was wearing an excellent sweater in it and looking particularly cute). It was early days, but he was asked somewhat this question. His answer at that interview was (paraphrased and from my memory so feel free to correct me),"The theater is my day job. TV and movies are how I buy Christmas gifts." Again, early days, still single, and he could have just been being cheeky. If I ever find it on YouTube again, I'll post it here just for kicks, but why do I think you'll have it before me. :-)